Lesson 12 Keyboard Input Code.org
lesson 12 keyboard input code.org
Keyboard input - lesson 12 is from animation and games, unit 3 of code.org's cs discoveries course. each part challenges students to accomplish a new task while learning to code.. Following the introduction to booleans and if statements in the previous lesson, students are introduced to a new block called keydown() which returns a boolean and can be used in conditionals statements to move sprites around the screen. by the end of this lesson students will have written programs that take keyboard input from the user to control sprites on the screen.. Overview. in this lesson students continue to explore ways to use conditional statements to take user input. in addition to the simple keydown() command learned yesterday, students will learn about several other keyboard input commands as well as ways to take mouse input.. purpose. students have learned how to make simple decisions with conditionals.. lesson 12 keyboard input code.org
The pin mode of input_pullup means that the pin is to be used as an input, but that if nothing else is connected to the input it should be 'pulled up' to high. in other words, the default value for the input is high, unless it is pulled low by the action of pressing the button. this is why the switches are connected to gnd.. I wrote the code myself with code.org. play around with the code for the diamond and see what other patterns you can make..
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