How To Play Repeated Notes Piano
how to play repeated notes piano
How do you play repeated notes on the piano? this is a great question and i'm going to break it down for you, because there are two distinctly different techniques of repeated notes. slow repeated notes and fast repeated notes, and we're going to go through the differences and the similarities in these two techniques.. 3) don't play all the way down to the bottom of the key, it will just slow you down 4) obviously don't let the note come up all the way this is the type of piece that you can't just sit on any unknown piano and play. you have to get used to the piano action before you can perform it. good luck my friend.. Piano technique: how to play bullet fast repeated notes the scarlatti toccata in d minor is the perfect vehicle to navigate finger-switching, repeated notes at break neck speed. by shirley kirsten. how to play repeated notes piano
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